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snippet: Atlantic OCS aliquots (sub-blocks) for BOEM renewable energy leasing in the Atlantic
summary: Atlantic OCS aliquots (sub-blocks) for BOEM renewable energy leasing in the Atlantic
accessInformation: Stephen Creed and Christine Taylor Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Aliquots are generated from full OCS blocks by sub-dividing each block into 16ths and allow for more detailed boundary delineation in offshore energy leasing. The aliquots use a letter designation in addition to their parent protraction number and OCS block number (ie. NK-1802, 6822F). A full OCS block is 4800 x 4800 meters, while an aliquot measures 1200 x 1200 meters. Smaller, clipped aliquots are found along the Fed/State OCS boundary and along UTM zone borders. This dataset includes aliquots for 60 protractions out of the available 80 protractions in the Atlantic. The remaining 20 protractions are located on the seward edge of the OCS . Aliquots for these protractions will be produced at a later date as neeeded. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
licenseInfo: None - Public
title: iocmseasketch.iocmss_owner.BOEM_WEA_GOM_Final_FY24
tags: []
culture: en-US
minScale: 0